All content on the website is COPYRIGHT © Angela Wilkes in the year of posting. E-cookbooks, and other paid content, is for the sole and personal use of purchasers. Please do not share with family, friends or any of your affiliates. Also, please do not forward e-cookbooks in whole or in part to your family, friends, co-workers or any associates or affiliates. If they like the cookbooks and would like the recipes, please encourage them to purchase the content. The e-cookbook(s) and all the content, including but not limited to the photos, charts, logo, designs, written information and recipes are the sole work and creation of the author, Angela Wilkes, and are property of her company, Embedded Enterprise Systems Inc. (“EESI”), for legal purposes. All rights are reserved. No parts e-cookbooks may be reproduced, photocopied or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanically, without the prior written consent of the author.

The information, especially the macronutrient charts as provided, are designed to help you make informed decisions and as a guide to determining if a given recipe is suited to your personal needs.
Please ensure that you are under appropriate medical care and have regular checkups with your physician/dietician to monitor any biological markers such as weight, blood pressure, etc. Ensure that these results are explained to you and understood, in conjunction with regular visits with your doctor.
The associated website,, is intended to inspire those following a low carb lifestyle and to share my personal journey and experiences. It is not meant as a substitute for medical advice, nor medical treatment, nor is it meant to persuade individuals to follow this lifestyle.